Because all of our mental training sessions are via webcam, our team of sports and performance psychologists love assisting clients from across the English-speaking world. Our founding sports psychologist explains how this works in the short video below. If it’s more convenient for you to read rather than listen, the full transcript is underneath the video.
Greetings. I hope you’re well. My name is Gareth. I’m the founding sports psychologist here at Condor Performance. Well, if I have my calculations correct, you’re watching this video because you or somebody that you know is very interested in working with a qualified sport and performance psychologist, and it’s also likely that you are physically located somewhere nowhere near where I am, which is on the east coast of Australia. So this brief video is to just explain how that is not an issue for us. It’s a very normal and common part of our work to work with those right across the English speaking world.
So probably around 2009, we made the decision that the convenience of mental training via webcam was so significant in the sports world and other performance settings as well, that we wanted to shift our entire consulting approach to delivering sessions via the wonders of modern technology. Most commonly, we’re thinking about things such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meets, but there are others as well. And essentially, what we started to do is we started to expand our team in a way whereby the only difficulty with that, which was the compatibility of time zones was resolved.
In other words, we started bringing on board really exceptional sports psychologists and performance psychologists who were available at different time zones. Meaning that when we get contacted, for example, from somebody in North America, we have good availability very early on in the morning, which is the North American afternoon. And then of course we have the European time zone, which is the trickiest one where we make sure we have a few members of our team who are quite happy. In fact, they rather enjoy consulting late into the Australian evening, which means that it opens up the entire European morning.
So I wanted to mention that because having been operating now since 2005, we’re very aware that we’re getting an increasing amount of inquiries from athletes, non-sporting performers, sporting coaches, sporting officials who are not physically located in Australia. And although we do have future ambitions to expand our consulting team to include psychologists from other countries, at this point in time, the overwhelming majority of our consulting team is still physically located in Australia. And I just wanted to essentially address the concern that you may have about the physical distance between where you are and where your future sport and performance psychologist might be located. So it’s not an issue for us, why don’t you jump onto some of the other parts of the website to learn a little bit more about us.
In order to contact us, the most efficient way is to either fill in the contact us form, or to actually spend a little bit longer filling in one of our mental toughness questionnaires, which in many ways, is just like a contact us form with a lot more detail. Either one will be sent through to our intake team and they generally try and get back to everybody within a couple of days, where the process of trying to work out which member of the condom performance team is going to be best placed to work with you. That’s it from me. We hope to hear from you soon. Cheers.