Sport Psychologist

Favourite Sporting Moment: Jonty Rhodes’ spectacular run out of Inzamam-ul-Haq during the 1992 Cricket World Cup. This ‘Superman moment’ put the young South African on the map as one of the best fielders ever to play the game.
Psychologist Registration Number with Psychology Board of Australia: PSY0001372747
Healthcare Provider Identifier – Individual (HPI–I): 8003610005374562
More About Gareth …
Gareth J. Mole was the ‘first’ of our psychologists, having started the company in 2005. Under his guidance, Condor Performance has become the largest independent sport and performance psychology practice across Australia and New Zealand.
Gareth earned full registration as a psychologist after completing his Masters of Sport Psychology at the University of Western Sydney (2004 – 2005) in Australia. Before that, his BSc (Psychology) was through the University of Leeds (United Kingdom) and the University of Salamanca (Spain) from 1996 to 1999.
He is seen in some circles as a controversial trailblazer to a new generation of sport and performance psychologists looking to change how the profession goes about their work and is perceived.
Gareth has been a proud Australian Association of Psychologists Inc. (AAPi) member since 2020. AAPi is a values-driven national professional peak body for psychologists that aims to preserve Australia’s rich diversity of psychological practices.

He currently splits his working time between coaching his select batch of sporting clients and helping General Manager David Barracosa manage and supervise the rest of the Condor Performance team to ensure they, like our clients, are always improving.
As an applied sport psychologist, Gareth J. Mole is a hard-core behaviourist. His default approach is to help his clients change (improve) their actions. This framework lends itself to the elite competitive sport where, at the end of the day, the winners did the best (not who thought or felt the best).
Gareth J. Mole is fluent in Spanish due to his time living in Spain and Colombia. He has significant international travel experience, combined with the above, making him one of the most sought-after sport psychologists on earth.
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